(too old to reply)
The Devil's Advocaat
2003-11-03 19:23:09 UTC
I need your advice.

I've been flying FS2002 for a year now and I love it. So, is it worth
upgrading to FS2004? It costs £50/$80 here in the UK so it's a big

I'm particularly interested in whether the graphics/ground detail are better
and whether the flight models have improved any.

I like the sound of the improved GPS system, too.

So, what are your thoughts?
Gary L.
2003-11-03 19:35:24 UTC
The GPS is many times better, the autogen scenery has more variety, the
weather/clouds are much better looking, the ATC is way better, AI behaves
better, taxiways look smoother and are greatly improved, taxiway signs help
you find your way around. To me, the ATC and AI improvements alone were
worth it.

Post by The Devil's Advocaat
I need your advice.
I've been flying FS2002 for a year now and I love it. So, is it worth
upgrading to FS2004? It costs £50/$80 here in the UK so it's a big
I'm particularly interested in whether the graphics/ground detail are better
and whether the flight models have improved any.
I like the sound of the improved GPS system, too.
So, what are your thoughts?
2003-11-16 03:56:01 UTC
I don't know about the ATC...I just had to make 4 go-arounds because the
stupid ATC couldn't tell I was on final and still kept trying to land others
ahead of me when I was on final!

Redbrick...who loves his CLK

In article <06ypb.1176$***@newssvr29.news.prodigy.com>, ***@123.net
Post by Gary L.
The GPS is many times better, the autogen scenery has more variety, the
weather/clouds are much better looking, the ATC is way better, AI behaves
better, taxiways look smoother and are greatly improved, taxiway signs help
you find your way around. To me, the ATC and AI improvements alone were
worth it.
Post by The Devil's Advocaat
I need your advice.
I've been flying FS2002 for a year now and I love it. So, is it worth
upgrading to FS2004? It costs £50/$80 here in the UK so it's a big
I'm particularly interested in whether the graphics/ground detail are
Post by The Devil's Advocaat
and whether the flight models have improved any.
I like the sound of the improved GPS system, too.
So, what are your thoughts?
Peter Nilsson
2003-11-17 00:14:54 UTC
Post by Redbrick
I don't know about the ATC...I just had to make 4 go-arounds because the
stupid ATC couldn't tell I was on final and still kept trying to land others
ahead of me when I was on final!
Redbrick...who loves his CLK
Yeah, the gall of those flight controllers, not letting YOU cut in
front of the other aircraft.

<insert joke about Mercedes drivers and flying here>


2003-11-03 19:42:51 UTC
It costs £50/$80 here in the UK so it's a big decision.
Perhaps you could find it on eBay for a reduced price?

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2003-11-03 20:31:56 UTC
Post by The Devil's Advocaat
I need your advice.
I've been flying FS2002 for a year now and I love it. So, is it worth
upgrading to FS2004? It costs £50/$80 here in the UK so it's a big
I'm particularly interested in whether the graphics/ground detail are better
and whether the flight models have improved any.
I like the sound of the improved GPS system, too.
So, what are your thoughts?
no way
it sux
the bridges are all messed up
the rest looks the same.
if you like gps get a real gps system and play with that dont make bill g.
richer off minor improvements
2003-11-03 23:08:35 UTC
I vote with Gary L.


you have the hardware to run the autogen scenery, 3D clouds and push a few
sliders up. I had it running temporarily on a 700MHz machine and it was
still better than FS2002 by far. However you need 2 gigs or better to
really make it shine.
The Devil's Advocaat
2003-11-04 08:09:08 UTC
Post by mdavis
I vote with Gary L.
you have the hardware to run the autogen scenery, 3D clouds and push a few
sliders up. I had it running temporarily on a 700MHz machine and it was
still better than FS2002 by far. However you need 2 gigs or better to
really make it shine.
You've made my mind up for me. Performance isn't a problem since I've got
a 3200+, 1GB and a 5900 Ultra (big show off!).
2003-11-03 23:51:43 UTC
Post by frederickson
no way
it sux
the bridges are all messed up
the rest looks the same.
if you like gps get a real gps system and play with that dont make
bill g. richer off minor improvements
This sounds like someone with a machine that isn't coping with the extra
demands of FS2004.

1. It doesn't suck. It is considerably more detailed all over the world than
2. Outside the USA there are many more and better bridges, providing you can
keep the Autogen scenery high. New Zealand for instance has been
3. Much of the world is enormously improved with better local textures and
appropriate buildings. ie in Arab and Oriental countries as well as Europe.
4. The clouds and weather downloads are way way better than FS2002.
Finally, most aircraft and scenery and mesh from 2002 will work in it, and
the new aircraft are terrific. It is well worth the full price. However a
number of websites are selling it at good discounts. Have a search on

I don't want to make BG any richer either, but this is my main hobby, and I
am not going to let a few pounds or dollars stop me enjoying it :-)

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The Lindbergh Baby
2003-11-04 18:37:51 UTC
Post by The Devil's Advocaat
I need your advice.
I've been flying FS2002 for a year now and I love it. So, is it worth
upgrading to FS2004? It costs £50/$80 here in the UK so it's a big
If you already have 2002 you should qualify for a rebate. Brings down
the price considerably.

Or don't they do that in the UK?

To reply, remove "die.spammers" from address

So who's really in the details, God or the devil?
Victor West
2003-11-04 20:51:05 UTC
Post by The Lindbergh Baby
If you already have 2002 you should qualify for a rebate. Brings down
the price considerably.
Or don't they do that in the UK?
No they don't. :-(

The Devil's Advocaat
2003-11-07 07:34:23 UTC
Post by The Devil's Advocaat
I need your advice.
I've been flying FS2002 for a year now and I love it. So, is it worth
upgrading to FS2004? It costs £50/$80 here in the UK so it's a big
I'm particularly interested in whether the graphics/ground detail are better
and whether the flight models have improved any.
I like the sound of the improved GPS system, too.
So, what are your thoughts?
I've taken the plunge and FS9 is now installed. I'm impressed (but not
overawed) by the graphical improvements.

I did come up against a graphical glitch - might be my set up. When loading
up, the default aircraft was rotating away in the middle of the screen, but
everything around it was black. Passing the mouse pointer over the top of
the invisible buttons brought them into view and they would react to a

I'm guessing this is something to do with the hardware settings within the
program conflicting with the hardware settings I've set from the desktop.
Does anyone have any ideas?

AMD 3200+
FX5900 Ultra