ILS + Dynamic Scenery
(too old to reply)
2003-10-16 22:40:48 UTC
If you go to the map while in flight you can click on the runway of the
airport you want and it will give you all the ILS for each runway at that
airport.........if it has ILS....... Pick the one that you want, and tune it
in on nav 1.
Or go to charts on simm cd
Hi everybody...
I'm new to FS2002, and I think it's quite brilliant. I remember in FS2000,
there was this communicator frequency in which I could put the ILS
of an airport so that the needles respond. Where is this option in FS2002?
Is it totally dependant on ATC? I can tune in the radio, but is there a
faster way?
Also, I was wondering if anybody knows of dynamic scenery in which the
move towards the plane for gr8er realism! I don't think this is built-in
feature of FS2002!
CK out.
2003-12-09 02:40:38 UTC
If you zoom in close enough to see the localizer beam (make sure its turned
on with the menu), just place your pointer on the loc. and the info will
pop-up on the map.

Post by ED D
If you go to the map while in flight you can click on the runway of the
airport you want and it will give you all the ILS for each runway at that
airport.........if it has ILS....... Pick the one that you want, and tune it
in on nav 1.
Or go to charts on simm cd
Hi everybody...
I'm new to FS2002, and I think it's quite brilliant. I remember in FS2000,
there was this communicator frequency in which I could put the ILS
of an airport so that the needles respond. Where is this option in FS2002?
Is it totally dependant on ATC? I can tune in the radio, but is there a
faster way?
Also, I was wondering if anybody knows of dynamic scenery in which the
move towards the plane for gr8er realism! I don't think this is built-in
feature of FS2002!
CK out.