FS 95
(too old to reply)
Dave McMahon
2003-11-04 20:54:38 UTC
Hello I have an old version of FS (FS 95) I would like to know how to add-on
files (aircraft scenery etc) for this old Game I know it has been superseded
by Fs 1998-2004 but I would like to get some more air-miles out of this
classic (my computer gets jealous of P.D.A's!

the MS flight sim site seems to be just 2004 now,
James Schuldenfrei
2003-12-22 19:55:45 UTC
Have you tried www.flightsim.com? you can run a search limiting the add-ons
to fsw95 files only--but you have to sign up (it only takes a minute and is

Post by Dave McMahon
Hello I have an old version of FS (FS 95) I would like to know how to add-on
files (aircraft scenery etc) for this old Game I know it has been superseded
by Fs 1998-2004 but I would like to get some more air-miles out of this
classic (my computer gets jealous of P.D.A's!
the MS flight sim site seems to be just 2004 now,