They are gathering from around the world
(too old to reply)
2003-08-02 13:33:33 UTC
From Australia to Slovenia, from Greece to Korea, from around the world
flight simmers will be gathering! Will you be there? The AVSIM Conference
and Exhibition will have flight simmers from around the world in attendance.
Folks from Korea, Australia, Greece, Slovenia, The Netherlands, the U.K.,
the wilds of Canada, and of course the U.S. will all share in a tremendous
weekend of historical aviation, great presentations by members of our
community, fellowship in a hobby, and much much more! You can join us at the
2003 AVSIM Conference and Exhibition at Carl Spaatz Field in Reading,
Pennsylvania on September 26th and 27th. For more on the Conference,
Exhibition, registration and hotel information, go to
http://www.avsim.com/pages/2003conf/. Reserve now for the Friday Social and
the Saturday Awards Banquet! Space is limited (and the hotel rooms are going
pretty fast too)!
Best Regards,

Tom Allensworth
AVSIM Online
Simulation's Number 1 Resource!
Visit us today
Register Now for the 2003 Conference and Exhibition!
Michael Emrys
2003-08-02 18:28:12 UTC
Post by Tom
the wilds of Canada,
Heh. The wilds of Canada? Yep, we all live in igloos, it's true.
Hell, I always figured that technology was beyond you. I envision Canuckians
running around on the prairies with uncured animal skins draped over their
shoulders, assuming you could find an animal sleepy enough to hold still
while you found a rock big enough to pound it to death with.

So, you've got igloos now, eh? The march of progress...


John Steed
2003-08-02 21:55:50 UTC
Post by Michael Emrys
Hell, I always figured that technology was beyond you. I envision Canuckians
running around on the prairies with uncured animal skins draped over their
shoulders, assuming you could find an animal sleepy enough to hold still
while you found a rock big enough to pound it to death with.
So, you've got igloos now, eh? The march of progress...
Sure beats living in crime infested inner cities of the U.S. and we
don't need expensive refigerators either.
2003-08-02 18:43:33 UTC
John, since I have been there a number of times, I was really referring to
St. Johns. And believe me, that place is hoppin'! :)
Best Regards,

Tom Allensworth
AVSIM Online
Simulation's Number 1 Resource!
Visit us today
Register Now for the 2003 Conference and Exhibition!
Post by Tom
the wilds of Canada,
Heh. The wilds of Canada? Yep, we all live in igloos, it's true.
2003-08-03 03:11:55 UTC
Post by Tom
John, since I have been there a number of times, I was really referring to
St. Johns. And believe me, that place is hoppin'! :)
That would explain it. I take it you are talking aboot St. John's New
Foundland and not St. John's New Brunswick, eh?
There is no place called St. Johns, New Brunswick. Neither is there a
place call NewFoundland

You really shouldn't be making fun of American's if you don't know at
least that much about Canada!

John Steed
2003-08-03 17:31:13 UTC
Post by NST
There is no place called St. Johns, New Brunswick. Neither is there a
place call NewFoundland
You really shouldn't be making fun of American's if you don't know at
least that much about Canada!
Fuck off.


2003-08-03 21:46:41 UTC
No, here is a better thought. You Fuck Off.

It is SAINT JOHN New Brunswick, ASSHOLE.

Note... No abbreviation of the Saint and no pluralization of "John"

And it is Newfoundland. One word, just like the word DIPSHIT!
No capitalization of the F.

But feel free to come back so I can bitchslap you around some more.

Post by John Steed
Post by NST
There is no place called St. Johns, New Brunswick. Neither is there a
place call NewFoundland
You really shouldn't be making fun of American's if you don't know at
least that much about Canada!
Fuck off.
John Steed
2003-08-04 06:17:49 UTC
Post by NST
No, here is a better thought. You Fuck Off.
It is SAINT JOHN New Brunswick, ASSHOLE.
Note... No abbreviation of the Saint and no pluralization of "John"
And it is Newfoundland. One word, just like the word DIPSHIT!
No capitalization of the F.
But feel free to come back so I can bitchslap you around some more.
Hehe...it's a friggin' Canuckian spelling queen. Go wave your hanky in
the face of someone who gives a fuck boy. And I'm a Brit so am excused
if I don't get all the names exactly right. After all, I didn't go to
school here so wasn't taught how to tap maple trees and build igloos.
Ray Powell
2003-08-04 16:29:41 UTC
Post by John Steed
Hehe...it's a friggin' Canuckian spelling queen. Go wave your hanky in
the face of someone who gives a fuck boy. And I'm a Brit so am excused
if I don't get all the names exactly right. After all, I didn't go to
school here so wasn't taught how to tap maple trees and build igloos.
As always, the web comes to your rescue...
Igloo building:
Another type of Igloo (being a brit...)!!
and for a cool experience...

Ray Powell
[Support the ICC]

Victoria, BC
John Steed
2003-08-04 17:46:16 UTC
Post by Ray Powell
As always, the web comes to your rescue...
Another type of Igloo (being a brit...)!!
and for a cool experience...
The web never ceases to amaze. Now where's the instructions for
tapping maple trees?
Michael Emrys
2003-08-04 19:06:57 UTC
Post by John Steed
Post by Ray Powell
As always, the web comes to your rescue...
Another type of Igloo (being a brit...)!!
and for a cool experience...
The web never ceases to amaze. Now where's the instructions for
tapping maple trees?
Well, to get you into the spirit of the thing, here are some nice photos of
a maple tapping party out to tap:


Next, a fairly chatty discussion of one man's experience tapping:


And now we come to the meat of the matter. Absolutely everything you could
want to know and much, much more about the collection and storage of maple
sap and the production of syrup. Lavishly illustrated with pictures, graphs,
charts, and all sorts of scientifical goodies. I don't know about you, but
I'm about ready to go fry up a mess of flapjacks right now!


John Steed
2003-08-04 21:11:48 UTC
Post by Michael Emrys
Well, to get you into the spirit of the thing, here are some nice photos of
And now we come to the meat of the matter. Absolutely everything you could
want to know and much, much more about the collection and storage of maple
sap and the production of syrup. Lavishly illustrated with pictures, graphs,
charts, and all sorts of scientifical goodies. I don't know about you, but
I'm about ready to go fry up a mess of flapjacks right now!
Thanks so much, my education is now complete and I know as much as the
average Canadian and will probably pass my citizenship exam. Just have
to make sure I spell Newfoundland and Saint John correctly.
2003-08-05 01:47:21 UTC
Oh no... please don't We have quite enough lazy, ignorant ingrateful
assholes in this country now without a piece of shit like you. Please
go back to "Great" Britian, where you can take undisguised pleasure in
the knowledge that *your* Prime Minister is nothing more than a
yapping toy poodle lap-dog to the American govt and it it's leader
Yes, you must just glow with pride at the thought that your "leader"
didn't have the balls that even the Canadian Prime Minister had to
stand up to the Americans in their attempt to find and destroy the
Weapons of Ma... oh, no... that wasn't it. Oh... right... to kill
Sadam Hu... but wait... he's still alive but your citizens are dying
every day, so that couldn't have been the reason. Oh yeaaaaah... it
was 'cuz Shrub told you to, and Toy... er Tony Blair didn't 'ave the
bottom to say no.
Yes, hurry back there. Losers like you, well... we have all we can
use right now.
Hehe...you sound just like that Mayar fuck but left wing instead of
right. Your both stupid pointy heads so you should get along great.
2003-08-05 20:02:44 UTC
Post by Olly
Hehe...you sound just like that Mayar fuck but left wing instead of
right. Your both stupid pointy heads so you should get along great.
Stay in the shallow end, boy. Nos will keep you company.

John Steed
2003-08-05 02:06:14 UTC
Oh no... please don't We have quite enough lazy, ignorant ingrateful
assholes in this country now without a piece of shit like you. Please
go back to "Great" Britian, where you can take undisguised pleasure in
the knowledge that *your* Prime Minister is nothing more than a
yapping toy poodle lap-dog to the American govt and it it's leader
Yes, you must just glow with pride at the thought that your "leader"
didn't have the balls that even the Canadian Prime Minister had to
stand up to the Americans in their attempt to find and destroy the
Weapons of Ma... oh, no... that wasn't it. Oh... right... to kill
Sadam Hu... but wait... he's still alive but your citizens are dying
every day, so that couldn't have been the reason. Oh yeaaaaah... it
was 'cuz Shrub told you to, and Toy... er Tony Blair didn't 'ave the
bottom to say no.
Yes, hurry back there. Losers like you, well... we have all we can
use right now.
<yawn> Where's PD when you need him? You really don't know anything
about me so why don't you just go back to your regularly scheduled
program of reruns of 'The Beachcombers' while snacking on beef jerky
and guzzling diet Pepsi.

And anyone who puts down the classic 'Avengers' has got to be a right
2003-08-05 20:00:52 UTC
Post by John Steed
<yawn> Where's PD when you need him?
Yes, Nos, you never could fight your own battles.
Post by John Steed
You really don't know anything
about me so why don't you just go back to your regularly scheduled
program of reruns of 'The Beachcombers' while snacking on beef jerky
and guzzling diet Pepsi.
We all know how intellectually cheap you are and how, every single
time you are getting your ass kicked you run away with this sad little
"I was putting you all on anyway" act of yours.

Why do you think that everyone sees right through your many
incarnations? Could it be because are so boringly predictable?

You betcha!

Post by John Steed
And anyone who puts down the classic 'Avengers' has got to be a right
2003-08-06 11:32:16 UTC
Post by NST
Yes, Nos, you never could fight your own battles.
You still haven't clued in. Show me one post from the past where I
support anything of the right wing. Der, my name is NST and I am a bit
slow. And there is no Nos fuckwit.
Post by NST
We all know how intellectually cheap you are and how, every single
time you are getting your ass kicked you run away with this sad little
"I was putting you all on anyway" act of yours.
Um, that's how stupid you are. It's all an act and always has been.
When I want to talk serious with people I don't waste it here in a
fucking gaming group you twat.
Post by NST
Why do you think that everyone sees right through your many
incarnations? Could it be because are so boringly predictable?
You betcha!
And you are someone I should give a rat's arse about? As if caring
what you think is going to make my life complete or something. The
only time anyone sees through my incarantions is when I want them to
and am posting in a certain style. Man, you really are slow.
2003-08-06 22:04:04 UTC
Post by Longshanks
Post by NST
Yes, Nos, you never could fight your own battles.
At 8:32 our hero writes...
Post by Longshanks
You still haven't clued in. Show me one post from the past where I
support anything of the right wing. Der, my name is NST and I am a bit
slow. And there is no Nos fuckwit.
But 3 minutes later little Nos writes...
Post by Longshanks
Post by NST
Yes, Nos, you never could fight your own battles.
I guess some people really don't get it unless one makes copious use
of the emoticon.
Quick... tell mw how you were really putting me on and... oh, right,
you already did that, didn't you Nosbot.

OK... then according to the program this is where you laugh at
everyone and tell us how you will never post on this ng again...

We're waiting.

2003-08-06 23:48:25 UTC
Post by NST
Post by Longshanks
Post by NST
Yes, Nos, you never could fight your own battles.
At 8:32 our hero writes...
Post by Longshanks
You still haven't clued in. Show me one post from the past where I
support anything of the right wing. Der, my name is NST and I am a bit
slow. And there is no Nos fuckwit.
But 3 minutes later little Nos writes...
Post by Longshanks
Post by NST
Yes, Nos, you never could fight your own battles.
I guess some people really don't get it unless one makes copious use
of the emoticon.
Quick... tell mw how you were really putting me on and... oh, right,
you already did that, didn't you Nosbot.
OK... then according to the program this is where you laugh at
everyone and tell us how you will never post on this ng again...
We're waiting.
You should have really taken the advice in my first reply to you.
Could have saved you a lot of time from being wasted. I've got time to
waste so no biggy to me. Come to daddy little fishy.
John Simpson
2003-08-04 20:29:56 UTC

As a fellow 'Brit' (Scottish) I as you to assert a less profane attitude to
others. Ohh..... and being British does not give you an excuse.

Post by Ray Powell
Post by John Steed
Hehe...it's a friggin' Canuckian spelling queen. Go wave your hanky in
the face of someone who gives a fuck boy. And I'm a Brit so am excused
if I don't get all the names exactly right. After all, I didn't go to
school here so wasn't taught how to tap maple trees and build igloos.
As always, the web comes to your rescue...
Another type of Igloo (being a brit...)!!
and for a cool experience...
Ray Powell
[Support the ICC]
Victoria, BC
John Steed
2003-08-04 21:08:34 UTC
On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:29:56 +0100, "John Simpson"
Post by John Simpson
As a fellow 'Brit' (Scottish) I as you to assert a less profane attitude to
others. Ohh..... and being British does not give you an excuse.
You're not a Brit, you're one of those skirt wearing scotch people
that hates tea and crumpets.
John Steed
2003-08-05 01:45:28 UTC
On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:32:53 +0000 (UTC), "Handsome"
We are Brits and therfore, unfortunately, get compared to the likes of you.
So we are Scottish Brits if you will.
Hehe...You're all a bunch of twerps that don't know when your leg is
being pulled. Using "aboot" and "eh?" should have been big clues. I
know it's Saint John and I know it's Newfoundland. I've even been
there. I went to school here and learnt all about the geography of
Canada, history too. I even know where Brandon is and who John
Diefendbaker is. But I bet if I asked NST where Glastonbury is he
wouldn't have a clue. BTW, I have relatives living in Inverness,
Scotland (been there too) and I am part Welsh so don't tell me what
the fuck a Brit is mate, ach, there's a moose in me hoose.
2003-08-05 09:17:49 UTC
You know those warning you get on carrier bags about suffocation..........
it's all lies .......just ignore them.

(Fingers crossed we will get a result.)

"John Steed" <***@SPAMTRAP.invalid> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
| On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:32:53 +0000 (UTC), "Handsome"
| <***@REMOVEfspaints.com> wrote:
| >We are Brits and therfore, unfortunately, get compared to the likes of
| >
| >So we are Scottish Brits if you will.
| >
| >Martin
| >
| Hehe...You're all a bunch of twerps that don't know when your leg is
| being pulled. Using "aboot" and "eh?" should have been big clues. I
| know it's Saint John and I know it's Newfoundland. I've even been
| there. I went to school here and learnt all about the geography of
| Canada, history too. I even know where Brandon is and who John
| Diefendbaker is. But I bet if I asked NST where Glastonbury is he
| wouldn't have a clue. BTW, I have relatives living in Inverness,
| Scotland (been there too) and I am part Welsh so don't tell me what
| the fuck a Brit is mate, ach, there's a moose in me hoose.
2003-08-05 02:18:13 UTC
On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:32:53 +0000 (UTC), "Handsome"
We are Brits and therfore, unfortunately, get compared to the likes of you.
So we are Scottish Brits if you will.
You are only Brits because we *made* you be Brits! We will kick your
arse's again if we have to too.
2003-08-05 09:15:45 UTC
"Olly" <***@here.invalid> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
| On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:32:53 +0000 (UTC), "Handsome"
| <***@REMOVEfspaints.com> wrote:
| >We are Brits and therfore, unfortunately, get compared to the likes of
| >
| >So we are Scottish Brits if you will.
| >
| >Martin
| >
| You are only Brits because we *made* you be Brits! We will kick your
| arse's again if we have to too.

True, but then I have pride.
2003-08-06 13:39:00 UTC
Post by John Steed
On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:32:53 +0000 (UTC), "Handsome"
We are Brits and therfore, unfortunately, get compared to the likes of you.
So we are Scottish Brits if you will.
You are only Brits because we *made* you be Brits! We will kick your
arse's again if we have to too.
Actually after Elizabeth I died on 24th March 1603, James VI of SCOTLAND
(himself a descendant of Henry VII) became James I of England. His
descendants 'ruled' England ever since (all be it in various degrees when
considering the waning of the monarchy's powers)
English and Scottish Royal Families have been intermarried since about 1100
(William Conquerors son Henry I married Matilda of Scotland) in order to
keep the Scottish hordes from raiding and invading the North of England. An
unsafe northern border detracted forces away from England's 'real' enemies
(mainly France whose throne the English kings had claim to right up to the

There is no real English race.....we are all genetically mixed up with
Scottish, Welsh, Irish (and even the French)
And the Act of Union of 1707 only legally linked Scotland to England and
Wales.....a century since England and Scotland had been 'merged' under a
Scottish king in fact!

So I surmise you are in fact talking out of your arse and need to learn the
history of our great nation...

English born, lived in Wales for 10 years and now living in
Scotland........a TRUE Brit!
2003-08-06 14:33:47 UTC
Post by M
Actually after Elizabeth I died on 24th March 1603, James VI of SCOTLAND
(himself a descendant of Henry VII) became James I of England. His
descendants 'ruled' England ever since (all be it in various degrees when
considering the waning of the monarchy's powers)
Um, the current royal's roots are German you twat.
2003-08-06 17:50:04 UTC
Post by Longshanks
Post by M
Actually after Elizabeth I died on 24th March 1603, James VI of SCOTLAND
(himself a descendant of Henry VII) became James I of England. His
descendants 'ruled' England ever since (all be it in various degrees when
considering the waning of the monarchy's powers)
Um, the current royal's roots are German you twat.
Actually Elizabeth II is descended from Prince William of Orange (descended
from James I) and from Queen Victoria (again descended from James I)
I think you'll find that ALL European royal families are intermarried during
Go look it up you.............
2003-08-06 23:17:42 UTC
And yet you don't know that Elizabeth II can trace her ancestry back to
William the Conqueror?
What are you a retard or something? Where the words too big for you? Or did
you just look at the pictures?
Have trouble understanding how to read a family tree? Or senile dementia
come early?
None of the above. You, along with the others I might add, are just
too dim to know when you are being trolled. Um, the part about the
earth being square should have tipped you off, no?
2003-08-06 23:25:42 UTC
Post by Longshanks
And yet you don't know that Elizabeth II can trace her ancestry back to
William the Conqueror?
What are you a retard or something? Where the words too big for you? Or did
you just look at the pictures?
Have trouble understanding how to read a family tree? Or senile dementia
come early?
None of the above. You, along with the others I might add, are just
too dim to know when you are being trolled. Um, the part about the
earth being square should have tipped you off, no?
And yet you replied again...........so who's trolling who?
Montague John Druitt
2003-08-07 06:08:11 UTC
On this day of our lord, Thu, 7 Aug 2003 00:25:42 +0100, "M"
Post by M
And yet you replied again...........so who's trolling who?
But I never replied to any of your points so it must be *YOU*. Hehe.
Montague John Druitt
2003-08-07 06:11:27 UTC
On this day of our lord, Thu, 7 Aug 2003 00:25:42 +0100, "M"
Post by M
And yet you replied again...........so who's trolling who?
p.s. Remember the post you replied to about married men being chumps?
Ding, ding ding.
2003-08-08 01:59:32 UTC
On Thu, 07 Aug 2003 17:30:55 -0700, Montague John Druitt
On this day of our lord, Sun, 03 Aug 2003 18:46:41 -0300, NST
Post by NST
And it is Newfoundland. One word, just like the word DIPSHIT!
No capitalization of the F.
No buttfucker, you are wrong, it's officially Newfoundland and
WOW! Are you stupid!

I mean even by Nos standards... that was incredibly stupid.

2003-08-08 06:35:04 UTC
Hahaha...now I know why you have your panties in a twist. You be one
of dem newfie types, eh boyo?

Access Cable Television
Address: 190 Victoria Rd
City: Dartmouth
StateProv: Nova Scotia
PostalCode: B2Y 4A4
Country: CA
2003-08-09 01:06:24 UTC
Nos, are you really that stupid?

No, seriously... are you really that stupid?

I know you think you can excuse your ignorance by saying you are
British, but all that is really an excuse for is your poor dental

But you went to all the trouble of posting that you really knew all
along the difference between St. John's and Saint John and, why
gosh... you had even been there, and then you say something as stupid
as that?

I mean, being able to hit the "H" key while you are running Free Agent
really doesn't mean you are not stupid.

But saying things like "You be one
of dem newfie types, eh boyo?:" after the header clearly points out
that the poster is from... where... NOVA SCOTIA?

After the poster took you to task for your smug ignorance about Saint

I guess you really are that stupid, Nos.

Have another drink, Nos. It really does wonders for your personality.

Post by Longshanks
Hahaha...now I know why you have your panties in a twist. You be one
of dem newfie types, eh boyo?
Access Cable Television
Address: 190 Victoria Rd
City: Dartmouth
StateProv: Nova Scotia
PostalCode: B2Y 4A4
Country: CA