2 Questions re: FS9 Fight Dynamics modeling (wing & jet turbine)
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Jon-Anthony Colley
2005-09-19 05:39:33 UTC
Hi everyone

I have 2 technical questions:

Question 1
In previous versions of Microsoft's Flight Simulator (pre FS2004)
all of the wing parameters were defined in the air file record
1204 " Main Wing"

In FS2004 all but 2 now appear in the Aircraft.cfg
"airplane_geometry" section

Testing here appears to indicate that all air file 1204 records
are now redundant, except for "center of lift fore+/aft of COG"
(with "induced wing drag constant being calculated by FS
and this record being ignored when modified in the .air file)

?: Am I safe to assume that "center of lift fore+/aft of COG"
is also calculated and that for a FS2004 ONLY air file
record 1204 could be safely removed.

Question 2
To model a Jet Turbine FS2004 needs to set various parameters
the most confusing of which is:
" Intake throat Area "

?: If the Turbine being modeled is a Bypass Jet.

Is the area required, that of the 1st fan throat
( 1st Outer / or Bypass Throat )

Or that of the Primary Turbine Compressor throat
( Primary Inner )

When modeling Bypass turbines with low bypass ratio's
either throat area could be used as they are relatively similar,
But for modern turbines with massive bypass
ratio's these two area's will differ vastly -
( hence the importance to clarify which should be used )

Regards Jon-Anthony
2005-09-19 23:46:44 UTC
try posting your questions on the message boards at


and www.avhistory.org
Post by Jon-Anthony Colley
Hi everyone
Question 1
In previous versions of Microsoft's Flight Simulator (pre FS2004)
all of the wing parameters were defined in the air file record
1204 " Main Wing"
In FS2004 all but 2 now appear in the Aircraft.cfg
"airplane_geometry" section
Testing here appears to indicate that all air file 1204 records
are now redundant, except for "center of lift fore+/aft of COG"
(with "induced wing drag constant being calculated by FS
and this record being ignored when modified in the .air file)
?: Am I safe to assume that "center of lift fore+/aft of COG"
is also calculated and that for a FS2004 ONLY air file
record 1204 could be safely removed.
Question 2
To model a Jet Turbine FS2004 needs to set various parameters
" Intake throat Area "
?: If the Turbine being modeled is a Bypass Jet.
Is the area required, that of the 1st fan throat
( 1st Outer / or Bypass Throat )
Or that of the Primary Turbine Compressor throat
( Primary Inner )
When modeling Bypass turbines with low bypass ratio's
either throat area could be used as they are relatively similar,
But for modern turbines with massive bypass
ratio's these two area's will differ vastly -
( hence the importance to clarify which should be used )
Regards Jon-Anthony