ATI 9200 Set-up for FS9
(too old to reply)
2003-12-14 00:24:24 UTC
It would be great if any one of you pros could give me a link to a site that
shows the best setting for my ATI 9200 Graphics Card.

I have the latest drivers installed.

I seem to have fixed the problem I had of jaggered edges on my planes and
fuzzy landscape but now I am lucky to get more then 8fps. I also get white
squares popping up in the scenery. The scenery , planes and buildings look
so much nicer so I don't want to reset my card set to default.

What is FS9 using Open GL or Direct 3D for its outside aircraft and scenery

I have not got a clue when it comes to graphics cards.

Thanks in advance for any help.

P4 2.6HT
256MB Ram
865 MB
ATI 9200 Graphics Card
7200rpm Hard Drive
2003-12-24 20:08:32 UTC
Fixed it! Just added 512MB Ram.
Post by Terminator
It would be great if any one of you pros could give me a link to a site that
shows the best setting for my ATI 9200 Graphics Card.
I have the latest drivers installed.
I seem to have fixed the problem I had of jaggered edges on my planes and
fuzzy landscape but now I am lucky to get more then 8fps. I also get white
squares popping up in the scenery. The scenery , planes and buildings look
so much nicer so I don't want to reset my card set to default.
What is FS9 using Open GL or Direct 3D for its outside aircraft and scenery
I have not got a clue when it comes to graphics cards.
Thanks in advance for any help.
P4 2.6HT
256MB Ram
865 MB
ATI 9200 Graphics Card
7200rpm Hard Drive