FS Commander v7.0, where's the AI aircraft ???
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Lorenzo Sandini
2003-12-31 18:12:40 UTC
A bit disappointed... no AI aircraft at all in the main window of FSCv7.

A clean FS install, many projectAI packages, 100% AI traffic, registered
FSUIPC user (latest version), registered FSC7 user as well.

I see loads of AI traffic around me, in the air and on the ground, but I
can't see myself or anyone else in FSC.

In the "technical" tab of FSUIPC, I tried all settings, from 0 to 40 nm,
they suggested in the FSCv7 FAQ on their website.

Any idea ?

Rasmus Trenskow
2004-01-01 11:31:46 UTC
Hi there
FSC only shows AI aircraft that is airborne, not planes taxxiing.
Did u remember to hit the AI button on the left side of the FSC screen,
after you have connected the FSC GPS local to the flight sim?

Post by Lorenzo Sandini
A bit disappointed... no AI aircraft at all in the main window of FSCv7.
A clean FS install, many projectAI packages, 100% AI traffic, registered
FSUIPC user (latest version), registered FSC7 user as well.
I see loads of AI traffic around me, in the air and on the ground, but I
can't see myself or anyone else in FSC.
In the "technical" tab of FSUIPC, I tried all settings, from 0 to 40 nm,
they suggested in the FSCv7 FAQ on their website.
Any idea ?
Lorenzo Sandini
2004-01-02 00:16:46 UTC
Ah..., yes the AI button is green, I just noticed I had to connect the
GPS... now all is fine, thank you for your answer :o)

Happy New Year everyone !

Post by Rasmus Trenskow
Hi there
FSC only shows AI aircraft that is airborne, not planes taxxiing.
Did u remember to hit the AI button on the left side of the FSC screen,
after you have connected the FSC GPS local to the flight sim?
Post by Lorenzo Sandini
A bit disappointed... no AI aircraft at all in the main window of FSCv7.
A clean FS install, many projectAI packages, 100% AI traffic, registered
FSUIPC user (latest version), registered FSC7 user as well.
I see loads of AI traffic around me, in the air and on the ground, but I
can't see myself or anyone else in FSC.
In the "technical" tab of FSUIPC, I tried all settings, from 0 to 40 nm,
they suggested in the FSCv7 FAQ on their website.
Any idea ?