cant install 2004 century of flight
(too old to reply)
King GG
2004-01-04 10:22:14 UTC
please help

I am getting an error for low memory swapping file when I reach 99 % copied
while installing. I have a Pent 4, 1.60 ghz, 790 mb ddr ram and virtual mem
is min 3000 mb

Im peekin'

please help im a novice.
Barrie Hiern
2004-01-05 03:48:19 UTC
I struggled with that for days!!!! What I did was:
1) shut down everything else running
2) make swapfile from 512Mb to max 1024 Mb
3) clean the registry
4) reboot
5) try again!!!
6) hope you don't have a corrupted CD set. (I did)

Post by King GG
please help
I am getting an error for low memory swapping file when I reach 99 % copied
while installing. I have a Pent 4, 1.60 ghz, 790 mb ddr ram and virtual mem
is min 3000 mb
Im peekin'
please help im a novice.
2004-02-25 22:37:18 UTC
Alternative is to procure 'cabview' and between that and winzip you
can pull all the files yourself and then place them.
Post by Barrie Hiern
1) shut down everything else running
2) make swapfile from 512Mb to max 1024 Mb
3) clean the registry
4) reboot
5) try again!!!
6) hope you don't have a corrupted CD set. (I did)
Post by King GG
please help
I am getting an error for low memory swapping file when I reach 99 %
Post by King GG
while installing. I have a Pent 4, 1.60 ghz, 790 mb ddr ram and virtual
Post by King GG
is min 3000 mb
Im peekin'
please help im a novice.

Don't tell me I can't - tell me how I can!
