FS2004 Freezes Computer
(too old to reply)
Loran Swymer
2003-09-13 15:41:43 UTC
My Environment:

AMD 1.2Ghz Processor
60G Hard Drive
XP Pro
GeForce4 MX440 Video Card (64MB)
MS Sidewinder Joy Stick

Every program I have runs fine, except for MS FS 2004. I can select an
aircraft, taxi to the runway, but that's about as far as I get before the
computer freezes and I have to hard reboot. Usually happens during take
off, just as I leave the runway. It's getting very frustrating!

Anyone have any ideas? All help is surely appreciated.


Loran Swymer
Byron Miller
2003-09-14 15:01:28 UTC
Sounds like an hardware conflict.

What sound card do you have? Do you hear clicking and buzzing on the audio
at all?

I would visit windowsupdate.microsoft.com, downlaod all the updates and do
NOT install the Nvidia driver from there, rather go to http://www.nvidia.com
and downlaod the latest drivers there and work from that point on.

// Totalsimulation.com // Flight Sim Resources!
Post by Loran Swymer
AMD 1.2Ghz Processor
60G Hard Drive
XP Pro
GeForce4 MX440 Video Card (64MB)
MS Sidewinder Joy Stick
Every program I have runs fine, except for MS FS 2004. I can select an
aircraft, taxi to the runway, but that's about as far as I get before the
computer freezes and I have to hard reboot. Usually happens during take
off, just as I leave the runway. It's getting very frustrating!
Anyone have any ideas? All help is surely appreciated.
Loran Swymer
Loran Swymer
2003-09-14 22:52:39 UTC
I have a Sound Blaster card - no clicking or buzzing...it just stops in mid
flight. I've downloaded the latest driver from nvidia - still no joy
:-( Kids seem to think it's my video card - so we'll see. Thanks anyway!
Post by Byron Miller
Sounds like an hardware conflict.
What sound card do you have? Do you hear clicking and buzzing on the audio
at all?
I would visit windowsupdate.microsoft.com, downlaod all the updates and do
NOT install the Nvidia driver from there, rather go to
Post by Byron Miller
and downlaod the latest drivers there and work from that point on.
// Totalsimulation.com // Flight Sim Resources!
Post by Loran Swymer
AMD 1.2Ghz Processor
60G Hard Drive
XP Pro
GeForce4 MX440 Video Card (64MB)
MS Sidewinder Joy Stick
Every program I have runs fine, except for MS FS 2004. I can select an
aircraft, taxi to the runway, but that's about as far as I get before the
computer freezes and I have to hard reboot. Usually happens during take
off, just as I leave the runway. It's getting very frustrating!
Anyone have any ideas? All help is surely appreciated.
Loran Swymer
Tom Winsor
2003-09-18 11:48:53 UTC
Is the sound card in the PCI slot closest to the AGP slot? Try putting the
sound card in a different slot.
I had the same experience and was advised to move the sound card because
those two slots share some resources.
Post by Loran Swymer
I have a Sound Blaster card - no clicking or buzzing...it just stops in mid
flight. I've downloaded the latest driver from nvidia - still no joy
:-( Kids seem to think it's my video card - so we'll see. Thanks anyway!
Post by Byron Miller
Sounds like an hardware conflict.
What sound card do you have? Do you hear clicking and buzzing on the
Post by Byron Miller
at all?
I would visit windowsupdate.microsoft.com, downlaod all the updates and do
NOT install the Nvidia driver from there, rather go to
Post by Byron Miller
and downlaod the latest drivers there and work from that point on.
// Totalsimulation.com // Flight Sim Resources!
Post by Loran Swymer
AMD 1.2Ghz Processor
60G Hard Drive
XP Pro
GeForce4 MX440 Video Card (64MB)
MS Sidewinder Joy Stick
Every program I have runs fine, except for MS FS 2004. I can select an
aircraft, taxi to the runway, but that's about as far as I get before
Post by Byron Miller
Post by Loran Swymer
computer freezes and I have to hard reboot. Usually happens during take
off, just as I leave the runway. It's getting very frustrating!
Anyone have any ideas? All help is surely appreciated.
Loran Swymer
Jay Williams
2003-10-15 03:13:08 UTC
With most recent Nvidia cards, you need to leave the adjacent PCI slot open
so that the fans get enough airflow as well. Consider that a dead slot and
use another.
Post by Tom Winsor
Is the sound card in the PCI slot closest to the AGP slot? Try putting the
sound card in a different slot.
I had the same experience and was advised to move the sound card because
those two slots share some resources.
Post by Loran Swymer
I have a Sound Blaster card - no clicking or buzzing...it just stops in
Post by Loran Swymer
flight. I've downloaded the latest driver from nvidia - still no joy
:-( Kids seem to think it's my video card - so we'll see. Thanks
Post by Loran Swymer
Post by Byron Miller
Sounds like an hardware conflict.
What sound card do you have? Do you hear clicking and buzzing on the
Post by Byron Miller
at all?
I would visit windowsupdate.microsoft.com, downlaod all the updates
Post by Tom Winsor
Post by Loran Swymer
Post by Byron Miller
NOT install the Nvidia driver from there, rather go to
Post by Byron Miller
and downlaod the latest drivers there and work from that point on.
// Totalsimulation.com // Flight Sim Resources!
Post by Loran Swymer
AMD 1.2Ghz Processor
60G Hard Drive
XP Pro
GeForce4 MX440 Video Card (64MB)
MS Sidewinder Joy Stick
Every program I have runs fine, except for MS FS 2004. I can select
Post by Loran Swymer
Post by Byron Miller
Post by Loran Swymer
aircraft, taxi to the runway, but that's about as far as I get before
Post by Byron Miller
Post by Loran Swymer
computer freezes and I have to hard reboot. Usually happens during
Post by Loran Swymer
Post by Byron Miller
Post by Loran Swymer
off, just as I leave the runway. It's getting very frustrating!
Anyone have any ideas? All help is surely appreciated.
Loran Swymer