FS2004: setting angle of spot plane view
(too old to reply)
Bruce Mohler
2003-12-29 03:26:09 UTC
Is it possible to set the angle of the spot plane in FS 2004? It seems
to default off to the right of the plane. I'd prefer it behind the plane.

Thanks, in advance.
Tom Orle
2004-01-02 17:35:46 UTC
Post by Bruce Mohler
Is it possible to set the angle of the spot plane in FS 2004? It seems
to default off to the right of the plane. I'd prefer it behind the plane.
Thanks, in advance.
Why don't you just change the various hot keys to the appropriate
*pan* versions. Then you have the freedom to pan around your acft
anywhichway ;-)

In Options>Controls>Assignments go down to 'Look down' and then do a
'delete assignment'. Then go down to 'look down (pan)' and enter
'change assignment' and press SHFT-Num 8 (or whatever hot key you want
to assign).
Follow the same procedure with the look up, look right and look left
hot-keys and assign them to, let's say SHFT- Num 2, 6 and 4 keys

Now, when you hit SHFT-Num 8 it will scroll smoothly downward.

I always hated the fixed look positions and am surprised the pans
haven't been made the defaults. That was the first change I made in
both FS2002 and FS2004.

