AVSIM Introduces New List Server
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Tom Allensworth
2004-07-10 19:44:40 UTC
For those of you who have been around a while, you will remember the days
when AVSIM ran an email list server system. Back in those days, this was a
system based upon the "MAJORDOMO" list server software. It was buggy and not
too secure. AVSIM is pleased to announce that as of today, we have brought a
new list server system online, and are running it as a community wide
support system. Now you can get sim related news and specialty topics sent
directly to your email in-box. The new and more powerful system allows for
much greater control than the previous system we ran, and we welcome groups
who would like to have a email list system run on the AVSIM List Server
System. To view the available current lists, and to subscribe to them,
please enter our List Server Main Page. If you would like to set up a list
for your organization, please join the MY_LIST server and post your request
there. We hope you enjoy this new service from AVSIM! You can do so here:

Best Regards,

Tom Allensworth
Join Us In Denver for the 2004 Conference and Exhibition!
Don Parker
2004-07-10 21:40:24 UTC
request there. We hope you enjoy this new service from AVSIM! You can
Thanks for the update Tom. Services from folks like you, Justin @
FSGenesis, Flight One, and a few that slip my mind right now, that actually
seem to give a damn, are what makes this hobby a real pleasure! Although I
have to admit it's gone from "hobby" to an outright addiction with the "as
real as it gets" state of the art these days, especially for us 'without a
[affordable] real life' retirees!

Cheers'n Beers.. [_])
2004-07-11 17:18:57 UTC
Ya poor sap Don,
What say you, me and Dallas start a branch of FSAnonymous? We would have to
meet in Hawaii each year unfortunately, but there it is, a rotten job but
someone has to take it on?
Don Parker
2004-07-11 17:39:11 UTC
Yeah, I think that's an idea that could fly!! Of course the first meeting
probably would take at least ten days minimum just to hammer out a charter..
It'd be a week before we'd get Dallas off his boogie board, and even then
he'd have to squeeze it in between trips to the Caribbean.........
But I think we could manage it, no matter how gruelling the schedule..
2004-07-12 00:16:44 UTC
No wives though.
Except possibly Mrs Dallas. I have seen her photo :-)
