Flight Sim 2004 auto pilot
(too old to reply)
Joe Porter
2004-12-13 02:19:32 UTC
When flying my distance measuring equipment is showing a differant
distance to waypoints and airports than the true distance called out by
ATC radar, this is causeing the approach hold useing ILS to crash land a
long way before comeing to the runway.
Does anyone know of a solution that will make my DME and actual distance
equal the same value so that the ILS will work properly and put me on
the runway ?
Any help will be appreciated.

Joe Porter
2004-12-14 16:04:27 UTC
Hard to help without too many specifics, so:

Are you flying a default a/c or an add-on?

Also, don't go by what ATC tells you, always go by your instruments...you
should activate (if you are letting the autopilot do the approach) the APPR
switch when you are within ILS range - 20 to 30 nm or so - and your guage
shows both the glidepath and course needles...try to be as close to the ILS
heading as possible so the ILS capture is smooth.

